the first SaaS platform created to help you tell a compelling story that will win investors, generate sales, and motivate others to support you.
Join the waiting listIt’s all about writing a compelling story. This is the spine, the base for your success story.
Define your idea, collect & organize your information, have a plan
A proven award winning method to create your compelling story. Write a hook, add information, complete the story.
Length, key message, feelings, repetition, we measure it all, edit, improve and finalize the story.
Show the world what you have. Design, practice, use our special link or meet investors.
Practice your story Time yourself, record and review, improve and get input about your show
Share a complete story, brief, design ideas and brand materials
Collect & prioritize the information that really matters in one place
Length, time, words, paragraph, measure it all
share once - update your presentation anytime
share your video to get feedback on your pitching skills
Work with your team, invite designers and content writers
Open your account and allow investors to meet you
Being able to measure the impact of your story is crucial for success
Share your slides while reading your story, never miss a beat again
Pay for one account,no seats and 3rd party? Join free
Stuck? let our team of experts help write, train and design with & for you
When we pitch, we are the presentation.
But where do we start? How do we create a good hook? What is a good story?
F*ck the Slides - That is the title of Nir’s upcoming book, in which he teaches how to collect, create and measure your pitch. Yes, KPIs for storytelling.
It’s a new, disruptive way of looking at the soft skill of storytelling, unmasking the secrets of this artform and giving you the methodology to create compelling stories, over and over.
During the keynote or workshop we will explore the process, what is needed, why everyone can be better than they are today and how to create a compelling trailer pitch.
One plan to rule them all - limited time offer!
One fee, full access. all you need to tell compelling stories and close more deals.
Whether editing, design, or public speaking skills are needed, our team is happy to help our beta testers. join today and get our special offers.
One place to manage all of your projects, client communications, and design iterations. No more endless platforms, confusing miscommunication, and wasted hours.
Apply today